stalking and cyberstalking

stalking and cyberstalking



What is stalking?

当一个人没有合法的理由联系你,却继续联系你时,跟踪就发生了 bother you after you have said you want to be left alone. This repeated, unwanted contact can make you afraid for your personal safety.  This text will help you understand stalking and find ways to protect yourself.

Do not blame yourself if you are being stalked – YOU are not causing it.

Stalking can happen to anyone. We use the term “target” to refer to anyone who is being stalked.  Targets are most often women, but children, teenagers and men can also be targets.

Stalking may include:

  • 跟踪你从一个地方到另一个地方,或者跟踪你的家人或朋友来获取信息 about you
  • 直接或间接地与你、你的家人或你的朋友沟通 information about you
  • watching you in your home, school, or any other place
  • threatening and intimidating behavior or comments directed at you

How do I know if I am being stalked?

If you think you are being stalked, answer these questions:

  • Are you being bothered repeatedly by this person?
  • Do you believe that the stalker has no intention of stopping?
  • 你有没有以任何方式告诉这个人你不想再联系他?
  • Does the unwanted activity include more than one kind of contact?
  • 你是否担心这种行为会影响你在学校的表现或你们的关系 with others?
  • 你有没有试过通过改变你的日常生活,问家人, friends or peers not to give out information about you?
  • Do you fear for your personal safety?

如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答都是肯定的,你可能就是跟踪者的目标. 为自己制定一个保护计划并使用它是很重要的. Don’t ignore the signs of being stalked.  While most stalkers only want your attention, you can’t predict how intrusive a stalker may become.

如果你愿意和他/她一起去某个地方,跟踪者可能会承诺离开你 to talk – but do NOT go anywhere with a stalker. To protect yourself from a stalker – call the police and ask for help.


Planning for Your Safety

Should I talk to or go anywhere with a stalker?

Don’t have conversations with a stalker, it only encourages him/her. A stalker’s offer 讨论他/她的感受或跟踪的原因很容易变成暴力,如果他/她 realizes you don’t want to have any contact. Stalkers are often unable to judge or control their own emotions.

How can I protect myself from a stalker?

有很多方法可以提高你的安全水平,无论你是在处理 a stalking/ harassment situation or ending an abusive relationship. Here are some things to consider:

  • 如果你有直接的危险,拨打911或校园警察(812)888-5555.  Tell 接线员:您认为您处于危险之中,担心您的安全.  Also tell the operator if you have any court orders of protection.
  • Set up a protection plan and use it.  You need to think of ways you can keep yourself 在跟踪者可能试图打扰你的地方是安全的(例如:走在街上, going to class or any activity where you are open to harm or harassment) .
  • Program emergency numbers into your cellphone.
  • If you are being followed, get someone’s attention.  Remain as calm as possible, but 去有其他人的地方,去校园警察局,使用校园紧急情况 call button, or call 911 or Campus Police.
  • Change your daily routines and travel routes as much as possible.  Leave for classes at different times.  Vary the times you go to the LRC to study, or the times you go to Tecumseh Dining Center to eat.  Travel with friends when possible.
  • Develop a secret code with people you speak to regularly on the phone. You can use the code as a signal you’re in danger, without alerting the stalker.  For example, “我想吃蓝莓冰淇淋”可能是你处于危险之中的信号 you’re talking to should contact Campus Police at once.
  • Keep a pen and paper with you and by the phone.  Write down the times, dates and what was said during unwanted contact. Get the names and numbers of any witnesses.
  • Never throw out or destroy anything the stalker has sent you. Cards, e-mails, letters, flowers, gifts, etc. might be helpful as evidence if the police become involved.  Don’t delete text messages you may have received.
  • Take pictures of any property damage or vandalism. Save the evidence and collect names 但不要冒任何个人风险去获取你的证据.
  • 当你在户外时,呆在周围有其他人的光线充足的地方.  Avoid walking alone.
  • Keep your car doors locked at all times.  Look in and around your vehicle before you get in it.
  • Trust your instincts; pay attention to your feelings of fear and respond to them by getting help immediately.



网络跟踪尤其涉及信息和通信技术的使用 在互联网上,被个人或团体骚扰、恐吓并引起你的恐惧.  与使用技术有关的常见虐待行为包括监控 与他人通信,传播威胁,诬告,身份 盗窃、损坏个人资料或设备,以及其他形式的侵犯.

互联网可以以多种方式被用来查找有关你的信息和骚扰 you. The most common methods to watch out for include:

  • 电子邮件:当一个跟踪者进入你的电子邮件账户时,他/她可能会阅读 your incoming and outgoing mail.  Anyone who has your e-mail address can send you unwanted mail. 
  • 即时通讯(IM):它允许人们在网上来回发送信息, like having a conversation over the computer.  IM programs allow people to share images, sounds, video links and files.  IM can be used to harass a person with frequent, unwanted messages.
  • Text messaging: This allows people to send written messages on cellphones.  Texting 经常被用来通过频繁发送不需要的信息来骚扰一个人吗 have a threatening or intimidating tone.
  • 博客:个人博客通常包含可能被跟踪者知道的信息 你的情绪状态,你如何利用你的时间,谁是你的朋友和同事 are. This information may give away more information than is safe to share. 
  • 社交网络:当你把你的个人资料放在社交网络上(例如:Facebook, Twitter, Instagram),在线约会服务或任何分享有关信息的网站 the users, it is accessible to anyone using a computer.  Once your information is 在网络中,它可能继续对任何人开放,甚至是陌生人,即使 you remove it from the site address.
  • 电话:电话答录机或语音信箱的信息甚至可以被拦截和删除 remotely, when the stalker has or is able to guess the password.
  • 全球定位系统(GPS):新款手机通常都有GPS功能 be traced to determine your location. 
  • GPS Data in Photographs: GPS data in photographs is known as Geotagging. A Geotagged 照片是包含从GPS获得的地理位置数据的照片 included with a camera or Smartphone.  When Geotagged photos are uploaded online, 照片可以放在地图上查看照片的拍摄地点.

Safety tips if you are being cyberstalked

  • 在网上交流时选择一个中性的用户名和邮件地址.
  • DO NOT USE PASSWORDS THAT ARE EASY TO GUESS.  Never use identifying information such as your name, address, birthdates in your password.  Do not use pet names.  Use a 字母,符号和数字的组合,使它不可能猜到你的密码.  永远不要与任何人分享你的密码,包括那些声称来自你的互联网的人 service provider, bank customer service, or other online service.
  • Use a free e-mail account such as Hotmail (, YAHOO! ( com), or Gmail (, for newsgroups, social network sites, mailing lists, chat 房间、即时通讯、陌生人的电子邮件、留言板、填写表格和其他在线内容 activities .
  • 不要把你的主要电子邮件地址给任何你不直接认识或信任的人. 告诉任何有你地址的人不要把它放在群邮件里.
  • Limit or avoid the use of social networking sites such as Facebook. If you do use them, do not put identifying information in your profile. Use the security features to allow only known friends and associates access to your profile.
  • 告诉你的朋友,你不希望他们发布任何关于你的照片或信息 you on their social networking sites.
  • 只使用你信任的电脑是安全的,并确保所有的操作系统 and application security updates have been applied.  Make sure you have anti-virus and anti-spyware software running and that it’s current.  For tips on protecting your computer, your family and yourself online see:
  • Trust your instincts.  If you suspect an abusive person knows too much, it is possible 你的手机、电脑或电子邮件已被篡改,你的活动可能被篡改 be monitored. 
  • Plan for safety.  Stalking can be very dangerous, even if it is over the Internet and the stalker is not trying to contact you directly.  Talk to someone who can help you create a plan to protect yourself.
  • Save and document everything. Even if you are unsure about calling the police, it 把所有的事件都记录下来是个好主意吗.  Write down the time, date and place of each contact.  If you get harassing messages by e-mail, do not delete them.  Save them and print off a copy of each message for your records as well.  如果你向警方报案,打印出来的信息可以作为证据.
  • 保存收到的所有威胁或骚扰短信或语音信息 cellphone.
  • 如果你认为跟踪你的人可以看到你的电子邮件,那就另辟别论 在您的用户中不包含个人可识别信息的私人帐户 name. 
  • Make sure you use a secure password.
  • 不要将此地址用于任何社交网络联系,如Facebook或Twitter.
  • 通过搜索你的名字来了解你在互联网上的可访问性 engine such as Google or Yahoo.  It is helpful to know what information about you is available on the Internet.  Major search engines such as Google and Yahoo may have links to your contact information. 

Ready to Begin?